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TravelSmiles Help Center!

At TravelSmiles, we are committed to providing you with exceptional travel experiences and customer service. We understand that you may have questions or concerns before, during, and after your trip. That’s why we have created this Help Center to provide you with the information you need to plan and enjoy your trip with confidence.


Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that may be helpful:

Booking and Reservations

  • How do I book a trip with TravelSmiles? You can book your trip by visiting our website or contacting our customer service team. Simply provide us with your travel preferences, and we will help you find the best options that fit your needs and budget.

  • Can I change or cancel my reservation? Yes, you can change or cancel your reservation, but please note that fees and restrictions may apply. Please refer to our terms and conditions for more information.

  • How do I make a payment? You can make a payment online or by contacting our customer service team. We accept various payment methods, including credit cards and bank transfers.

Travel Planning and Preparation

  • What documents do I need to travel? The required documents vary depending on your destination and the purpose of your trip. Please check with the embassy or consulate of your destination country for the latest visa and passport requirements.

  • What should I pack for my trip? We recommend packing light and bringing only essential items for your trip. Please refer to our travel guides and packing tips for more information.

  • What if I need special accommodations or assistance? If you have any special needs or requests, please let us know in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate them. Please note that additional fees or arrangements may apply.

During Your Trip

  • What if I have an emergency or need assistance during my trip? If you have an emergency or need assistance, please contact our customer service team immediately. We are available 24/7 to assist you.

  • What if I encounter problems or issues during my trip? If you encounter any problems or issues during your trip, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will work with you to resolve them.

  • Can I provide feedback or reviews of my trip? Yes, we welcome your feedback and reviews of your trip. Please share your experiences with us, and we will use them to improve our services and offerings.

Let us take you on a Journey of Discovery


Surrounded by the tranquillity of Victoria Falls Private Game Reserve and primely located just 15 minutes from the Falls themselves,...


Story Seychelles Resort is a boutique resort that offers a perfect blend of nature, comfort, and service. Located on the...


Deep in the South of Mahé sits this intimate retreat. Perched along the oceanfront, the resort offers direct access to...

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Nestled on the quiet shores of Trou d’Eau Douce, Shangri-La Le Touessrok offers uninterrupted views of the Indian Ocean with...

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At The Westin Turtle Bay Resort Spa, Mauritius, we know that feeling good flows naturally from unwinding in a delightfully...

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Recline along the white sandy beach of the legendary Le Morne Peninsula of Mauritius. JW Marriott Mauritius Resort is a...